Great Belgium Beer Tour ™GBBT-080523Hello everyone,
Finally recovered from a crazy 3 weeks which took us all the way from London to West Flanders then back to Belgium and another epic Great Belgium Beer Tour ™ (GBBT), 10-days in the beer nervana of Belgium and France, awesome!

Thanks to those six of you who came all the way from the States and a big thanks to the Aussies whose female contribution added a pleasing glamour element to the 3 days you were on the tour across West Flanders!
Tour photos are now online, have a look,
Tour PhotosTour SummaryThe tour started off in Düsseldorf on Thursday 22 May 2008 with a meal in Schumacher brewery pub washed down with copious amounts of Altbier. Early to bed!
We then travelled around Belgium and France in a anti-clockwise direction, join up the dots marking the Trappiste monasteries of Belgium and you have in essence a GBBT tour!
So, then, here goes......if you get exhausted reading about it then think about doing it!
Day 1Achel Trappiste-Westmalle Trappiste-Antwerpen.
Day 2Bosteels-Bruges-Den Dyver beer dinner-Bruges Beetjes.
Day 3Ypres-In Flanders Fields Museum-Westvleteren Trappiste-Rohardus Hof-Watou-Thiriez (France)-Cassel-Kasteelhof-Trois Moulin-Kerelshof
Day 4Dupont-Rodenbach-Bruxelles-Delirium
Day 5Bruxelles-La Villette beer dinner
Day 6Drie Fonteinen-Chimay Trappiste-Bouillon-Bouillon Chateau Fort-L'Estaminet bier-cafe
Day 7France-Brasserie de Chateau Fort de Sedan-European Musee de Biere (Stenay)-Brasserie de Chateau Charmois-Verdun-Citadelle-L'Estaminet brasserie-Le Lapin qui Fume
Day 8Ossuaire-Douaument Fort-Belgium-Orval Trappiste-Mardasson Memorial-La Vieille Forge beer dinner
Day 9La Roche-en-Ardenne-Musee de la Bateille Ardennes-Rochefort Trappiste-Brasserie d'Achouffe-la Vieille Forge beer dinner
Day 10Hautes Fagnes-Mont Rigi/Signal de Botrange (Belgium's highest point)-Germany-German meal and beer!
Next Great Belgium Beer Tour™Friday 29 August-Sunday 07 September 2008.
Or check our calendar at for other dates this year.