The unique Belgian beer festival, Bruxellensis this year will start at 1200 (12am) on Saturday 08 September and end at 2100 (9pm) on Sunday 09 September 2007.
Opening times:
Saturday 1200-2300 (12am-11pm)
Sunday 1100-2100 (11am-9pm)
Festival tasting glass 15cl €3.00
Beer token €1.20
Food Various
Where Approximately:
Around 3km directly south from the cenntre (Grand Place) of Bruxelles at-
Address of Festival:
Les Glacières de Saint-Gilles,
rue de la Glacière 18, 1060 Bruxelles.
See you there. We have the stall Beers of Düsseldorf & the Lower Rhine.
Beers we will have (all 10 litre barrels)
- Füchshen Alt
- Schlüssel Alt
- Schumacher Alt
- Uerige Alt
- Bolten Ur-Alt (unfiltered)
- Bolten Landbier (unfiltered Hell, top-fermented)
- Gleumes Hell
- Schmitz-Mönk Alt
- Schmitz-Mönk Weizen
- Zunft-Bräu Hell Lagerbier
- Zunft-Brau Dunkles Lagerbier
Cheers for now!
(Festival glass must be purchased on entry to the festival).