The Oktoberfest tours kicked off on Thursday 20 September when we drove down to Bayern, of course via Forchheim!
We actually had the night in Forchheim before the tour getting over to the Kellerwald and of course me mate Andy's beer-garden/pub, the fabled Rappenkeller look around the cellars and a couple wets then it was off down town to the Eichorn brewery pub then met up with Banz and his mate for a few more jars.
Welcome to Bavaria!
Day 1. So, Friday 21 September, the first Bier-Mania! Oktoberfest tour. Pick up in Nürnberg airport then it was onto Regensburg, some lunch then schneider Weisse brewery to see how Weizen beer is made the real way! The it was Burg Randeck for some great views and our cosy brewery guest house, Josef Schneider.
Click this link for photos from the tour.
Day 2. Saturday 22 September, 1200 hours (midday), the sounds of the canons fired to mark the start of the biggest Volksfest (people's festival) in the world.
We wait for our American friends, we worry, we meet, they set a world record, 50 metres in 1 hour. We hit Munich.
Hofbräuhaus was kicking, when I got in that is, no flipflops son!
Day3. 1100. Hofbräu Festzelt. We are all excited. It will be a very long day.